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FORUM: Special Political and Decolonization Committee
QUESTION OF: Reviewing United Nations Peacekeeping operations
(02) Fully believing world peace to be the main goal for every nation,
(03) Noting with deep concern of imbalanced situation of peace in critical areas,
(04) Realizing importance of crisis management and peacekeeping operations in politically unstable countries,
(05) Recalling over 120 000 UN personnel currently participating in 14 peacekeeping operations,
(06) Fully aware of expenses caused by peacekeeping operations,
(07) 1. Trusts all nations to do every possible acts for advancing world peace;
(08) 2. Further recommends all UN nations to increase supervision in
(09) peacekeeping operations;
(10) 3. Requests nations to support more peacekeeping operations;
(11) a) financially
(12) b) sending:
(13) i) troops
(14) ii) medical aid
(15) iii) food and water in to critical areas;
(16) 4. Recommends administrative jobs to those, who have more experience
(17) from the field;
(18) 5. Expresses its appreciation to start UN peacekeeping operations only
(19) when both sides want it;
(20) 6. Encourages UN to increase its jurisdiction;
(21) 7. Emphasizes the importance of corporation and assistance all sides in a
(22) need of help;
(23) 8. Authorizes nations not to stimulate any side during the conflict.
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FORUM: 5th Committee (Administration and Budgetary)
QUESTION OF: Financing of the United Nations Mission in Sudan
(02) Fully aware Sudan population’s suffering a lack of medical supplies,
(03) Taking into account several civil wars in Sudan and other African countries,
(04) Deeply conscious importance of infrastructure,
(05) Noting with deep concern possibility of corruption in Sudan,
(06) 1. Encourages all countries to support United Nations mission in Sudan:
(07) a) financially,
(08) b) organizating field hospitals into criticall areas,
(09) c) sending:
(10) i. medical assistance,
(11) ii. doctors and nurses,
(12) iii. medical supplies,
(13) iv. meds,
(14) v. fieldpersonnel and peacekeepers;
(15) 2. Recommends institute assistance organization for countries suffering civil war;
(16) 3. Urges UN use money for build better infrastucture in Sudan;
(17) 4. Calls upon UN to send observers control money-using.
FORUM: The Sixth Committee of the General Assembly
QUESTION OF: Considering legal possibilities to combat international terrorism
(02) Deeply concerned about the worldwide spreading of terrorism,
(03) Fully alarmed by the current lack of security forces in most parts of the
(04) world,
(04) world,
(05) Convinced that it is impossible to win over terrorism without some kind of
(06) military support of the superpowers such as:
(07) - The United States of America
(08) - The Russian Federation
(09) - and The People's Republic of China,
(10) Fully aware that these countries are taking already major actions agains the
(11) global terrorist cells,
(12) Having considered different ways of preventing terrorism and the threat to
(13) peace brought by it,
(14) Deeply convinced that terrorism is not concentrated only to the
(15) superpowers of the world and therefore it is also the concern of the smaller
(16) states,
(17) Noting that the weapons trading to terrorists happens nearly always by
(18) the black market usually from another country,
(19) Expressing its satisfaction about the war on terror executed by NATO,
(20) 1. Urges all member states with enough resources to combat against
(21) global weapons trading with specialized units to prevent terrorism;
(21) global weapons trading with specialized units to prevent terrorism;
(22) 2. Congratulates the North Atlantic's Treaty Organization and the United
(23) Nations for their counter-terrorism and peace-keeping operations;
(23) Nations for their counter-terrorism and peace-keeping operations;
(24) 3. Considers that the best ways to combat international terrorism are:
(25) a) Tightened supervision of the weapon industry especially
(26) in the Middle-East and the Russian Federation,
(27) b) Increased international control of uranium and plutonium
(28) c) Expanding the war on terror by the NATO and peace-
(29) keeping operations by the UN,
(30) d) Giving permissions to army to eliminate large terrorist
(31) cells with major usage of lethal force after:
(32) i. Evacuating all civilians from the area before
(33) eliminating the target,
(34) ii. Confirming the target ID from at least two
(35) different sources,
(36) iii. Confirming that the evidence is solid enough
(37) to justify the attack against the target,
(38) e) Tightened security in big cities and surrounding areas of
(39) the important political and military sites,
(40) f) And tightened security controls in ships' cargo and
(41) passengers;
(42) 4. Trusts that the Member States of the United Nations will acknowledge
(43) their resposibility of providing security to their citizens;
(43) their resposibility of providing security to their citizens;
(44) 5. Approves all ways to combat international terrorism as long as:
(45) a) There is no civilian casualties,
(46) b) Everything will be executed in the ground of international
(47) treaties and the International Law;
(48) 6. Recommends Member States of the United Nations to combat
(49) international terrorism in ways that are possible for their financial
(50) and political state.
(49) international terrorism in ways that are possible for their financial
(50) and political state.